Tips & Tricks
BrewMan Glossary

BrewMan Glossary

ABV - Alcohol by Volume.

Accounts department number - Sage account department number.

Active Journeys - Currently in Progress - Deliveries that have not had the route ended on your system via the distribution app or the distribution menu.

Allocated Stock - When stock has been pre-allocated in either production or included on an order this then gets withdrawn from available stock and becomes allocated to the order number or assembly/vessel number.

Auto assembled stock - Products that are created automatically when adding to an order, they draw down the stock of other products to make at the point of being posted to accounts. Example, of having a package to include 6 bottles, 1 box and tape etc.

Available stock - The current in stock figure minus the outgoing figure.

AWRS number - Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme, provided and approved by HMRC to licence the sale of alcohol at wholesale level.

Batch Tracked - If you receive materials by specific batches, these can be traced in the system via production and in your “materials in stock” page.

Beerflex Code - A code from Beerflex to link outlets between Beerflex and BrewMan.

BIC - Business identifier code

Bonded - Warehouses (stock locations) that incur duty only at the point of leaving and can be stored without paying duty.

Brand Ingredient/Allergen Notes - Customisable notes that are added to the labels that are printed for products.

Brand Tasting Notes - Customisable notes that are added to the labels that are printed for products.

Container - A form of storage for liquid to be tracked.

Credit terms - The agreement between companies on how orders are paid. 

Custom Numbering Schema - The number sequence you wish to continue from on BrewMan from your accounts package.

Default stock location - The location which is set as the automated location when using the system (Can be changed at the point of an order etc)

Delivery Area - Customisable to what you choose in BrewMan. This can also be set up to match the delivery area that a van runs, so when creating an order - a delivery service (if set up) is added automatically for the area.

Delivery batch tracked products - If your products are delivery batch tracked, it will require you to scan items out on the distribution app to aid with the tracking of the specific batch that you have given to your customer.

Delivery Date - The date of delivery taken from what you input at the point of creation of an order and when the product will arrive with your customer.

Delivery Notes - Similar to dray notes you can add extra information about a delivery to the BrewMan system. The delivery notes will print off on the delivery documentation that gets handed to a customer as well as on the dray notes.

Dispatch Date - The date that the order has left the stock location on a delivery/courier service.

Duty record (Stock Adjustment) - Telling the system whether duty has or has not been paid or if the duty is suspended as a 3rd party paid.

Ean 13/14 Codes - This is in relation to your barcode used at retail level, the code underneath is to identify products and assign to orders when sold in BrewMan. 

EORI Number - The number used as identification in customs procedures.

Etch No. - Permanent identification number engraved onto casks and kegs.

Expected Quantity - The amount of stock that is expected to be attained or used in production.

Export commodity code -a code that determines the type of goods you are exporting to ensure correct customs duties and VAT are paid.

Export weight - The weight assigned to the product to be printed on pallet manifests this is the entirety of what the shipping company will load e.g. Shrink wrap, cardboard and product etc..

Exporting Incoterm code - Incoterms are an internationally recognised set of instructions used in the global transportation of goods. They define the division of responsibility between the Shipper (usually the supplier/consignor) and the Consignee (usually the buyer).

Exporting Incoterm place - The method of delivery for export, determines the burden of responsibility.

External Dispatch Notes - Dispatch notes that are generated on the printout document for customers.

External Reference - A reference that is generated on documentation for customers directly taken from your external source.

Fixed Quantity - This is a toggle to say yes or no as to whether increasing the output that was expected will change the quantity of ingredients required.

GK Supplier Code - External code for Greene King.

GL Codes - These are the codes from your accounts package that must be matching inside of BrewMan for sales and purchases likely known as accounts/nominal or general ledger codes.

Gravity - A traditional measure, gravity measures the density of a liquid. This comes from measuring the combination of sugar and water that occurs throughout the brewing process. 

Gyle - Is the sequential number assigned to a brew of beer so that the brew may be traced and can also be known as batch number.

IBAN - International bank account number

Internal dispatch notes - Dispatch notes that are not generated on documents and for the use of staff only viewable at the order level and on the distribution app.

Is Retail outlet - Determines if the outlet is treated as a business to customer relationship, having all orders posted to accounts as one collated invoice.

Journey Labels - One time labels printed by BrewMan to identify what is currently in the container.

Journey Log - A page under distribution to see all relevant information of deliveries for a selected date period.

Lead Time Days (Purchasing) - The time which will be taken into account when purchasing stock, from the point of order to the point of delivery. This is set in the stock replenishment menu.

Leads - Customers that are not yet buying but potentially will be soon and have correspondence with. Any potential or prospective customers.

Line Net Price - The line of an order showing the price before tax.

Line VAT - The VAT added to a singular order line.

Log Communication, communication subjects & types - When dealing with an outlet, communication can be logged to show relevant information of what the contact was about. Communication type such as a call or email (can be customised) and the Subject that was spoken about (Orders, accounts and finance etc). 

Net weight - The weight of a product/material with no packaging addition.

Non-Bonded - A location that may store products that have had duty paid.

Non-returnable - An item that cannot be returned (defined via the printing of labels) for example, a rental keg.

One for free - A discount feature that can be set against products,  to define after a set amount of a product or package type bought they can get one added free.

Order type - The type of order that this sale is affiliated with (e.g. Full Price - Duty Paid, Full Price - Duty Paid Elsewhere).

Outlet - A customer.

Outlet code - A code given to define an outlet in a shortened way also used as a reference in your accounts package. 

Outlet group - A group of customers having a singular headquarters (e.g. Waitrose) used to group reporting and invoicing.

Outlet Group Code - This is within an outlet's settings and allows you to add a specific code to identify the outlet from other outlets within the group. An example of this is to identify the JDW outlet

Outlet ratings - Ratings control what an outlet can be used for in the system, normally reflecting the status of outlets. Such as Active or Barred.

Outlet types - A customisable field to identify specific outlets for sales reporting.

Perishable - A term allocated to an item to show it can go bad by a certain point.

Permanent Label - Permanent barcode label used to identify casks/kegs in the system.

Picking Lists - A list of all the Products that are due for dispatch on that date, grouped by route. This report can be used when collecting all the items route by route.

Pipeline stage - An area in the system to monitor all potential customers and the stages of them becoming a customer. Under leads.

Plato value - a measurement of the concentration of dissolved solids in a brewery wort.

Price list - A customisable pricing structure for products to be set against an outlet or outlet type. 

Probability - The likeliness of occurrence. (for leads).

Racking - Scanning the product (e.g. Keg) into the system and assigning liquid to a container.

Re-order Level - The level of stock at which a purchase order is created.

Re-order Quantity - The quantity of stock that gets ordered once the re-order level has been reached.

Returnable - An item that can be returned determined in the printing of labels.

Sales area - A customisable input to identify areas of sales in reporting.

Sales codes - The codes to assign to outlets for managing reports being commonly used for account managers. 

Sales Notes - Customised by yourself inside of the outlet finance tab generating a reminder when creating an order.

Standard Order Type - The type of order that a customer usually places (can be changed at order level). E.g. Full Price - Duty Paid.

Stock location - A location set up in settings to show where stock is kept.

Stop minutes - The stoppage time set for the delivery to be made via distribution app.

Theoretical Stock - The stock that can be made using auto assembled products. So you do not have this in stock but you could have X amount of stock if it was held as stock.

Traceable - Determining if a product's package type is able to be traced (Print labels) and track this.

Trading terms - The terms of a sale per outlet, such as a proforma account etc. 

Ullage - Spoilt or Spilled beer that needs to be accounted for.

Value (Leads) - The value (net revenue) the customer could bring to your business

VAT Code - The code from your accounts package that matches exactly on BrewMan.

Vessel - The tank/barrel/still or container being used to produce or hold liquid.

Weight - The weight of the product in the specified unit of measurement.

Please email [email protected] for further clarification

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Toby Patton

Toby Patton