Go to Distribution → Settings → Delivery Services.
Click Create Delivery Service. Enter the relevant information to the fields provided, all of which are mandatory. Click Save.
All Delivery Services can be edited by either clicking on the service and clicking Edit or clicking the Action button (3 dots) and clicking Open, followed by Edit.
Once the service is created, go to Distribution → Settings → Distribution Schedule and click Edit. Click the “-” in the Delivery Service column against the relevant Delivery Area and select the service from the Dropdown.
This charge will now automatically apply to all orders against outlets that are assigned this Delivery Area.
If you want to apply the same charge to all Outlets within an Outlet Group, go to Contacts → Outlet Group, open the group, go to the Settings tab, click Edit and select a Delivery Service.
This will automatically apply the charge to all orders against the group and override any charge associated with the Delivery Area.
If you want to apply a charge to all orders of a specific Outlet, go to Contacts → Outlets, click to open, go to the Settings tab, click Edit and select a Delivery Service.
This will automatically apply the charge to all orders against the Outlet and override any charge associated with the Delivery Area Outlet Group.
Once set up and applied to a Delivery Area, Outlet Group or Outlet, the charges are included in every relevant order as an order line automatically.
Within the order you can remove the delivery charge if needed. This gives you a prompt above the order line quoting “Distribution settings do not match the delivery service item. Recalculate delivery service”.
If you have removed the delivery service and then decide you need it back on the order you can add this again by clicking the prompt or using the find products drop-down and adding the relevant service this way.
All of the delivery services that are applied to orders will be added to your invoices.
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Brandon Munn
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