Premier Systems Ltd

BrewMan Help Pages

Below you will find guides with all the information you will need to get up and running with all the features in BrewMan.

How To: Integrate WooCommerce


BrewMan allows for the import of online orders created from your WooCommerce/WordPress webshop, meaning all of your stock, duty, and deliveries are kept in one place. Before setting up the integration, you will need to ensure that your product SKUs in your WooCommerce shop match the Product Codes of your Products in BrewMan.

You will also need to generate an API key that is “Read/Write” type. We suggest calling this key “BrewMan”. This document from WooCommerce details how to do so: WooCommerce API Key Document. From this section in WooCommerce, you will need the:

  • Consumer Key

  • Consumer Secret If you do not have access to this information on WooCommerce, you will need to contact your provider.

To set up this integration, go to Integrations and click WooCommerce → Activate.

  • Store URL - This is the web address of your Admin Console the above steps were carried out on, minus all the information after the or .com. For example, if my Admin Console was my API URL would be

  • API Consumer Key - This is the Consumer Key collected in the previous steps.

  • Consumer Secret - This is the Consumer Secret from the previous steps

  • Linked BrewMan Outlet - This will be an Outlet specifically for your webshop. It will need to have a Retail Pricelist set up and have an Outlet Rating that allows orders. BrewMan will use the Distribution Type to generate the delivery date, which can be amended as needed.

  • Default Delivery Stock Item - If you require adding a delivery charge, you will need a BrewMan Product to do so. This will be added automatically by the system but can be amended.

  • If the Outlet or Delivery Stock Item has not been set up yet, click the appropriate Create button next to the field.

  • Run automatically? - Whether to run continuously in the background without the need to manually trigger the import of orders. Note: changes may not take effect immediately.

  • Distribution Method Mapping: Map orders to different BrewMan delivery methods based on the integrations shipping method. If you have different couriers, the option of collection or local delivery etc these can be mapped with a BrewMan distribution method - These will need to be worded exactly as they are setup in WooCommerce.

When all information has been entered, click Save.

On the next screen, click Import Orders. Any new Orders in WooCommerce will be brought into BrewMan. These will be listed in the Sales → Orders page or go to the Sales History tab in your Linked BrewMan Outlet. You can then distribute these as normal.

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Brandon Munn