To set your annual production figures go to Administration > Your company > Company Setup. Click Edit and input your Annual Production Figures. This will also take into account if you fall into the Small Brewers Relief.
Go to Administration > Settings > Products > Package Types. Give your package types the Category Type they fall into for your Stock Returns.
Cask and Case have their own fields in the stock return but everything else will fall into Other in your stock returns.
Go to Contacts > Outlets. Click on your outlet and go to the Finance Tab, click Edit and give your outlet the Movement Type that is used for this customer.
To bulk update this for existing outlets go to Administration > Import > New Bulk Data Update and select Outlets. Download the example file and place the correct movement type in field FZ.
This can also be applied when first creating an outlet if you do not already have outlets in the system.
To create a Stock Adjustment go to Stock > Stock Movements > Stock Adjustments. Click Create Stock Adjustment, give your stock adjustment the desired movement type as this will also feed into your stock return data.
To create an order go to Sales > Orders > Create Orders. Select the Outlet you are placing an order for. This will auto-fill the movement type field with the default associated to that outlet. You can change this by clicking More and assigning a different movement type in the drop-down field.
Once an order has been marked as Complete, the duty will go towards your return. When an order is posted to Accounts (made Historic), it will draw the stock down and also contribute to the stock return.
Your stock returns will be made up of Received and Disposed quantities and are in a Per Hectolitre %.
Opening Balances refer to your previous closing stock level (this will be raised after your first stock return has been made).
Closing Balances are made from the opening balance plus your disposed quantities and will generate onto your next stock return in the sequence. This will also reflect off of the sum in and sum out mirroring the difference between your opening and closing balances.
Disposed - These are quantities that have been sold or gotten rid of in some way and recorded in the system.
Received - These are quantities that are brought into the system. This can be through areas such as Production, Stock Movements and Purchase Ordering.
Go to Duty > Duty Audit Report to see a detailed breakdown of how the Duty Summary has been calculated with the relevant Orders, Credits, Stock Movements, Duty Rates and ABVs.
Go to Duty > Irish Beer Duty Returns. Click Create Irish Beer Duty Return, now select the Date Period you want your return to fall under.
This shows your relevant Duty Figures for this duty return period. To change the reclaimable figures click Edit and change the reclaimable fields information. To submit this click Submit Duty Return and Tick both boxes.
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Brandon Munn
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