Premier Systems Ltd

BrewMan Help Pages

Below you will find guides with all the information you will need to get up and running with all the features in BrewMan.

How To: Make Vessel Movements (Assembly)

Once you are finished with a Vessel in Production, you will need to tell the system that the liquid has been moved.

Go to Production - Vessel Summary, click Actions on the relevant Vessel and select Add Vessel Movement.

  1. Enter the *Volume Leaving the Vessel.

  2. Select either Estimated Vessel Volume or enter a specific Measured Vessel Volume after the liquid has left the vessel.

  3. Select which Vessel the liquid is moving to from the dropdown at the top right.

  4. Now enter the Volume Arriving at the new Vessel.

  5. Select either Estimated Vessel Volume or enter a specific Measured Vessel Volume after the liquid has arrived.

  6. Add any notes and confirm the time and date.

  7. Click Add Movement.

Emptying Vessels and Removing from Assembly.

Once you have made a movement from a Vessel, you may want to specify to the system that it is now completely empty.
Go to Production - Vessel Summary, select Actions on the Vessel in use and click Empty Vessel, then click OK to confirm.

If you are no longer using this Vessel for its current Batch you will need to release it for use again for new Batches.

Go to Production - Vessel Summary, click Actions on the relevant Vessel  then click OK to confirm.

Combining Batches

If you want to make a Vessel Movement to combine different Batches, you will need to make an Output to an Existing Assembly. For full instructions go to the How to Output from Vessels link below.

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Brandon Munn