Within a recipe assembly, you can output By-products.
This allows you to output a different material or product from the material produced by the recipe such as yeast from a beer recipe or feints from a gin.
To do this, either go to Vessel Summary, Actions and click Add By-product Output or go to Production, In-Progress, click to open the Assembly, scroll down to the Output section and click Add By-product Output.
Once clicked, you will have the option to:
Move to batch - This option will allow you to move a by-product into a new recipe assembly or an existing recipe assembly.
Package - This option will allow you to move a by-product into a new packaging assembly or an existing packaging assembly.
For these 2 options, select the item you would like to output, choose the Recipe or Packaging you would like to create or select the existing assembly you would like to output to, then specify the quantity**.**
Move to stock - This enables you to move an output material back into stock such as when yeast repitching for brewers.
When moving to stock, select the item you would like to output and specify the quantity.
The By-product will have the same batch number as the assembly and will not affect the remaining expected output of the assembly.
The cost price of the By-product will not be affected by this output either.
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Brandon Munn
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