Premier Systems Ltd

BrewMan Help Pages

Below you will find guides with all the information you will need to get up and running with all the features in BrewMan.

How To: Use Ingredients in Production (Assembly)

Once you have started a Batch, you will need to record the Ingredients you are adding.

Go to Production → Vessel Summary, click Actions on the relevant Vessel and select Add Ingredients.

Alternatively, go to Production → In Progress, click on the Batch to open it and click Use Ingredient. You can also access this screen by clicking View Assembly Record from the Vessel Summary.

  1. Click on *Stock Item and select the Ingredient you want to add. If you needed to see the expected Ingredients for the Batch, you can select View Assembly Record instead of Add Ingredients.

  2. If the Material is Batch Tracked, you will need to select the Batch Number you are using or enter one if there are none available in the system.

  3. Add the Quantity used. The Remaining Outstanding Qty

  4. If adding the Ingredient will materially change the Volume in the Vessel, tick Update Vessel Volume. If adding several Ingredients in one go, you may want to do this once after they have all been added.

  5. If you would like to override your Cost Price Per Unit you will change this before moving ahead. 

  6. Click Next.

  7. If updating the Vessel Volume, confirm or edit the Volume arriving.

  8. Select Estimated Vessel Volume if you want the Vessel Volume to be estimated from its current Volume added to the Volume Arriving.

  9. Select Measured Vessel Volume to allow you to specify an accurately measured figure.

  10. Add any notes and confirm the time and date.

  11. Click Add Movement.

Repeat the process whenever you add Ingredients.

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Brandon Munn