Premier Systems Ltd

BrewMan Help Pages

Below you will find guides with all the information you will need to get up and running with all the features in BrewMan.

How To: Vessel Scheduling (Assembly)

System Setup:

To begin using vessel scheduling you will first need your initial Production Settings done, you should also have your Recipes and Packagings created in the system.

For existing BrewMan users, we have a new setting called Vessel Capabilities you will need to set up, go to AdministrationSettingsProductionVessel capabilities.

Click Create New to add Capabilities. These reflect what processes a Vessel can be used for such as “Fermentation” or “Holding”.

You will then need to go to  AdministrationSettingsProduction > Vessel Types and specify the Capabilities of your different Vessel Types.

Recipe setup:

Within a Recipe, processes will now link to Vessel Scheduling. Within each Process Group you will be asked for the Process Duration in days so that it can be scheduled accurately.

Go to ProductionRecipes and click into a recipe. Click Edit and scroll down slightly to the process section.

Click Create New Process Group and enter a Group Name and the Process Duration. These should be entered as whole numbers as the graph only plots in days.

Once the Process Group has been created you will have the option to add more process instructions. These instructions can later be marked as complete within a production assembly.

Next, scroll down within the Process Group to add the Vessel Requirements. This is so the system knows which of your vessels can be used for the process group by their Capabilities. For example a Process Group called “Fermentation” will require Vessels that have the Capability of “Fermentation”.

Once completed, Process groups can be copied to other Recipes. This can be done by using the Copy Processes to button below each process group.

Please note, any new Process Groups will only affect new assemblies, not ones already in progress.

Using Vessel Scheduling:

The Vessel Scheduling page is split in two halves, the top half displays your planned and active Recipes and the bottom half displays your Vessels.

When scheduling, in the top half of the graph you are able to edit the dates and durations of the Process Groups but not which Vessels they use. The bottom half of the menu can be used to change dates and durations, as well as which Vessel is assigned to each Process Group.

Click Add Planned Assembly in the bottom right to add a new recipe to the plan. They can be removed at any time by clicking on a process associated with it, and clicking Delete in the bar at the bottom of the screen.

You can also manage which vessels are used for each process group by clicking on the process you want to change, and clicking Manage Vessels in the bar at the bottom of the menu.

To use Vessel Scheduling for Planned Assemblies, you must create them in the Vessel Scheduling screen. This can be done by clicking Add Planned Assembly at the bottom of the screen. Assemblies that are already planned will appear on the screen but will not be assigned to any Vessels. To do so, click on a Process, click Manage Vessels and select which Vessels to assign.

General Controls:

Moving around: Click on the scheduler anywhere there is not an item, and drag your mouse around to move the timeline both up and across. You can also scroll to look between assemblies and vessels.

Zooming in and out: Hold the Ctrl Key and use your mouse wheel to zoom the scheduler in and out. We recommend zooming the browser out as well, doing the same action but not hovering over the scheduling tool.

Moving items: Click and drag an item directly to change its planned start date, all of the other process groups will follow when you let go.

Resizing items: Hover over the right edge of a process group until your cursor changes to the left/right resize icon and then drag to your desired duration.

When on the Vessel Scheduling page, you may see buttons below recipes which highlight the stage a recipe has such as:

Started - The assembly has started

Unexpected Start - The assembly has started earlier than was planned

Unexpected Not Yet Started - The assembly hasn't yet started when it was expected to

Running Ahead - Your assembly has gone faster than expected

Running Late - Your assembly has gone slower than expected

Unexpected Vessels - Vessels that weren't planned to be in use are still in use.

Before leaving the page, please click Apply Plan to save any changes.

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Brandon Munn