Step 2 - Configuring Settings

Step 2 - Configuring Settings

Administration → Settings
The majority of BrewMan is configured to your preferred Settings , such as units of measure and package types.

The following Settings are required for basic set up:


Credit Terms - these generate the due date for invoices and are passed to your accounts package. The name and settings must match those in your accounts package exactly. Click New Credit Term and specify:

  • Show Balance - Turn this on to show the Outlet’s current balance on a delivery note. This figure will come from your accounts package, you may need to sign in before printing.

  • Accounts Analysis Code - Enter, if applicable, a code to link analysis fields to this Credit Term in your accounts package.

  • Calculation Type - Select a calculation to be used in generating the invoice due date from the dropdown list.

  • Calculation Days - Enter the number of days to be used with the above calculation.

Communication Subjects -  Ratings to assign to a communication log for an outlet to choose the subject the communication was based on.

Communication Types - Ratings to assign to a communication log for an outlet to choose the type of communication you have had.

Outlet Ratings - Ratings control what an Outlet can be used for in the system and normally reflect the status of Outlets. Click New Rating then choose the following:

  • Allow Orders - This determines whether the system will let you place orders for the Outlet. For example, orders would be allowed for active customers but not for those who owe large outstanding amounts.

  • Exclude from Outlet List - Any Outlet that is excluded from the Outlet List can still be found via the search function. This might be used for Outlets that you no longer sell to.

  • Outlet Types - These are reporting categories that can be used for sales analysis. You can set any categories that you choose.

  • Sales Areas -  These are reporting categories for your customers. They are usually used to represent geographic areas or sales managers but you can choose any categories you want.

  • Sales Codes - These are also reporting categories for your customers. They are usually used to represent sales people but you can choose any categories you want.


  • GL Codes - These enable you to record the general ledger codes to be used when BrewMan posts information to accounts. These may be called account codes in other accounting packages. These can be used for both sales and purchases. The Name and Code fields must match your accounts package exactly.

  • Package Types - these are the types of packaging you sell products in, such as kegs, casks, bottles, or cans. You can configure them with the following options:

    • Traceable - Choose Yes if you wish the system to trace any products linked to this package type. This will control if tracking labels can be printed or used.

    • Returnable - If marked no, the system will not mark any container or product linked to this package type as outstanding or needing to be returned. Examples include cases of cans, bottles and Kegstar.

    • Default Non-Return/Default Return Label - If you select no for Traceable , these fields will not be editable. Choose from the dropdown which type of label you wish to have as default, either case or cask.

  • PO Delivery Services - This is a service that is setup with a default charge to be applied to your purchase order for a specific supplier. This will generate a line (resembling a product) on your purchase order.

  • Pricing Categories - These categories group together products for reporting and discounts. A discount would apply to every product within the Pricing Category if configured to do so. For example, creating a Pricing Category for all kegs and offering customers a 10% discount on any keg that they buy.

  • Stock Locations - These are the different areas where your stock will be held. A stock location should be set up for each warehouse used. It is important to record whether each location is bonded or not as this will ensure accurate duty records. 

    * It is beneficial to note that Is External is not referring to an external place but a location that is external to your business. This will cause the generation of duty suspended receipts and transactions whilst disabling the ability to sell from the location.
  • Stock Groups - These are used to categorise your products for stock control if you'd like to separate out different types of products. If Restricted Stock is checked, BrewMan will give you a warning message when a Product with insufficient stock is entered in an Order.

  • Units of Measure - These are the types of measurement used for your materials, i.e. kilograms or litres. For example, these are the measures used in your Recipes.

  • VAT Codes - These are used in the calculation of VAT on orders and are also passed to accounts packages. The Name and Code fields must match your accounts package exactly.


  • Custom Numbering Schema - You can customise how numbering works throughout BrewMan. For example the minimum digits of an invoice or batch, whether there should always be a Prefix or Postfix and what the first number should be.

  • Pallet Types - This is for the creation of a pallet type, this can then be added against an order. There are a lot of default pallets already created.

Please click the following the link to move to the next guide: Production Settings


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Brandon Munn