Premier Systems Ltd

BrewMan Help Pages

Below you will find guides with all the information you will need to get up and running with all the features in BrewMan.

How To: Log Communications through the CRM

Before using CRM functions in BrewMan, you will need to configure your Settings. For full instructions, visit our help page: 10: CRM and Task Settings

Outlet CRM Screen:

Go to Contacts → Outlets and click on an Outlet to open it. Alternatively use the Search bar at the top of the screen.

The CRM tab groups together useful sales information for an Outlet to allow you to see it one place, potentially before visiting them or whilst on a call. You can click the arrows next to the titles to expand or collapse each section. The information is grouped as follows:

  • Activity Log: This summarises all recent CommunicationsTasks and Transactions that have logged against this Outlet from any user.

  • Outlet Summary: This will show some relevant information taken from the Outlets Settings and Finance tab. Click the phone number or the email hyperlink in the Summary to initiate communication with the customer.

  • Log Communication: Record interactions with the Outlet so that they are logged in BrewMan.

    • Select a Communication Type and Communication Subject from the dropdown boxes. If you haven't set these up, please read our guide here.

    • Edit the Timestamp to reflect when this communication happened.

    • Add a Customer Happiness Rating.

    • Type in any notes that are relevant into the Description.

    • If there is a follow-up action as a result of the communication, you can tick Add Task such as a follow-up call or to tell another user to place an order.

    • Click Log.

Upcoming Tasks:

  • A list of Tasks that are associated with this Outlet. Click Add to make a new one, or click the three dots to Edit/Reschedule, Cancel or Mark as Complete.

Upcoming Sales Visits:

  • Here will show a list of any scheduled sales visits that up upcoming for this outlet, they can be edited by clicking on the 3x dots on the right of the visit. To set up sales visits please follow our guide here.

Recent Orders:
View any recent Orders for the Outlet, click the arrow on the left of the order to expand and see the order lines, click to open the full detail or click the three dots to Duplicate Order. This may be useful whilst on a call when needing to create a repeat order quickly.

Recent Credit Notes:
View any recent Credit Notes, click to open and see the full detail.

Containers at Outlet:
View a list of Returnable Containers that were tracked to the Outlet but not yet returned.

You can also create Orders and Credit Notes on the CRM screen using the buttons at the bottom right of the page.

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Brandon Munn